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Pittman Motors Drive the Precise and Accurate Delivery of Dyes and Agents for Contrast Injector Systems

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Contrast injectors are medical devices used to inject contrast media (vision-enhancing substances) into the body to enhance the visibility of tissues for medical imaging procedures. Injecting dyes or other contrast media into a patient’s bloodstream makes it easier for X-ray or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machines to see blood vessels or organs. Contrast dyes play an important role in assisting diagnoses for conditions such as heart and vascular disease, cancer, physical injuries or digestive disorders.


There are a handful of challenges that must be addressed when developing Contrast Injector Systems. The first is the need for accuracy: failing to inject enough dye will not produce the desired image, while injecting too much is wasteful, expensive and unnecessary.  Another requirement is the need for high torque and power in a small space. Injector systems feature several components that must fit into a small space. Noise and vibration are additional concerns. And finally, Contrast Injector Systems require the ability to overcome short-time overload, which can be addressed via the delivery of peak time torque, as well as overall stability & reliability.     


Pittman Motors offers two leading options that are used to power Contrast Injector Systems. Pittman’s Brush and Brushless DC motors have a successful track record driving the precise amount of contrast agent into Contrast Injector Systems, ensuring smooth flow and safe & efficient operation.

Typical Current Motion Solutions:

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Brushless DC motors

Brushless DC motors are electric motors that do not require consumable brushes or a commutator. They benefit from quiet operation and low maintenance. Instead of brushes and a commutator, driving a brushless DC motor is done electronically using a drive circuit.  Pittman offers a wide range of high-torque density brushless motor sizes, with configurations from 33 to 120mm diameter, power ratings up to 15,000W and speeds to 100,000 rpm.  

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Brush DC Motors

In a motor, brushes are responsible for transferring current from the stationary DC voltage source to the spinning rotor. Pittman brush commutated DC motors have a wide range of frame sizes and magnetic technologies (from 26 to 54mm diameter and power ratings up to 100 watts). These motors are designed to offer smooth low speeds, quiet operation and long life.  

Demand for Contrast Injector Systems is Increasing Around the Globe

Increases in chronic diseases, combined with aging populations around the globe are driving the need for more interventional diagnostics.  Cardiology, oncology, gastrointestinal disorders, cancer and neurological disorders increasingly rely on contrast media and injector systems to identify health disorders and guide treatment for patients.


Advances in contrast media injectors have focused on creating solutions that are simple, efficient and reliable. Pittman Motors deliver the accuracy, the reliability and the high torque performance in a small and quiet package that makes them a preferred choice for these applications. 

To learn more:

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Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions, Inc
Haydon Products Division
1500 Meriden Road
Waterbury, CT 06705 USA
+1 800 243 2715 (Toll Free)
+1 203 756 8724 (Fax)
+1 203 756 7441 (International)


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Haydon Kerk Pittman are brands of AMETEK Advanced Motion Solutions along with Dunkermotoren, and AMETEK Dynamic Fluid Solutions.
