Registration of interest -
    Progression Groups for Canterbury/North Otago 2018/2019
First Name*
Last Name*
Mobile phone*
Email Address*
Supply Number*
Role (please choose)*
Other - please specify
Years in the dairy industry*
Address line 1*
Address line 2
Post Code*
Biz Start - For dairy employees at manager or assistant manager level, who are looking to progress in the dairy industry and become self-employed in the next couple of seasons.

Biz Grow - For contract milking or LOSM, the course provides you the opportunity to get together with your peers and discuss the current situation while discovering how to build business resilience.

Biz Pro - For herd owning sharemilkers and equity partners, providing a platform to get together with your peers, discussing the current situation and focusing on financials in depth for the season.
Please select the group you wish to join*
If more than one person is attending, please enter their details below.  We encourage both partners to attend.  
Full name
Mobile phone
Role (please choose)