2024 PEPS Benefit Luncheon Table Captain Kick-Off
Join us on Tuesday, February 6th to learn about the 2024 PEPS Benefit Luncheon, on May 7th, and how you can help make it a success! This Kick-Off and informational session will be hosted virtually, on Zoom
Tuesday, February 6, 2024, 12:30-2:00 on Zoom
Please provide your registration details here:
Yes I can attend the Table Captain Kick-Off on Feb 6
No I cannot attend on Feb 6
First Name*
Last Name*
City, State, Zip Code
If you can't join us on Feb 6, please let us know:
I'd like to host a full table at the PEPS Benefit Luncheon May 7, 2024 (10-12 guests)
I'd like to host a half table at the PEPS Benefit Luncheonon May 7, 2024 (5-6 guests)
I would like to come as a guest to the PEPS Benefit Luncheon on May 7, 2024, but I can NOT host a table
I know someone who might be interested in hosting a table - please contact me
I am NOT interested in joining the PEPS Benefit Luncheon on May 7, 2024 - please don't contact me again