PETITION: CSU Needs to Fix Unfair and Exploitative Working Conditions of Athletic Trainers
CSU Athletic Trainers provide critical health care to student athletes. They are trained to prevent, recognize, and assess injuries, as well as initiate rehabilitation programs when students are injured. Athletic Trainers are integral to any University sports program and yet the CSU has subjected them for far too long to unfair and exploitative working conditions.
Systemic mismanagement has led to an astonishing turnover rate of 26% among Athletic Trainers over the past two years.
We call on the CSU to address through bargaining the longstanding issues Athletic Trainers face:
- Athletic Trainers are scheduled seven days per week, often working several months without a day off.
- As exempt employees, Athletic Trainers receive no overtime pay and are rarely given informal time off.
- Compensation remains significantly below community standard, exacerbating under-staffing issues.
- Systemic staffing issues prevent Athletic Trainers from providing the necessary quality of care for student athletes.
Since 2017, the CSU has rejected almost all proposals the CSUEU Bargaining Team has made.
As a member of the CSU community, I sign this petition to show my support for Athletic Trainers who deserve to have their scheduling, workload and staffing issues improved without further delay.