Contact Information
First Name*
Last Name*
Your Email Address*
Street Address*
Address Line 2
ZIP Code*
About the Applicant
Date of birth*
Overall GPA including Fall 2024 semester*
What high school do you attend?*
School District*
What post-secondary school will you attend next year?*
Proposed field of study*
What is your hometown newspaper?*
Long form questions
Tell us a little about your academic achievements in high school*
Tell us about your career goals*
During the development and operation of its projects, Invenergy strives to play an active part in supporting the local community and providing opportunities for economic growth. Please describe what community involvement you have participated in, and why you felt it was important.*
Reference (recommended)
First Name
Last Name

By checking this box and submitting this scholarship application, I agree to allow Invenergy LLC or any of its affiliates ("Invenergy") to photograph me at an awards ceremony if selected as a scholarship recipient. I hereby grant to Invenergy consent and the irrevocable right to use my likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media ("ldentity") in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration, for any duration, and waive and release Invenergy from all claims and liability from the use of my Identity.

I agree*