Fill out this form to request a Proof of Concept:

Purpose of the Test*

Contact Details
Are you an existing customer?*
First Name*
Last Name*
Company Name*
Job Role [Please Select]*
Business Phone
Country [Please Select]*

What do you want to accomplish with this test?*
What targets will need to be met to make the test successful?*
What software solution will you be testing? Describe the key applications/research, other details*
Which framework will you be using? e.g. Torch, Theano, Caffe, TensorFlow*
If Other, please specify:
Do you already have experience scaling your model to multiple GPU / multiple nodes?*
Do you have experience with (NV) Docker containers?*
How large are your datasets?*
Less than 15TB
More than 15TB
Are there other solutions that you are comparing this with?
What is your requested start date for the POC?*
A POC typically lasts 3-5 days. What is the duration you are requesting for the POC*
When can we have an evaluation meeting to receive feedback on the POC results*
If the POC is successful when do you want to deploy?*

By submitting this form, you understand and agree that filling it out does not imply a confirmation from Advanced Integration to do a POC or to grant remote access. This form is a request that will be followed by a qualification process by Advanced Integartion. You also understand and agree that you are solely responsible to delete your own data once the POC/Remote Access is concluded and that the POC/Remote Access is for your internal testing only. It is not to be used to write public reviews or public benchmarks.