When to use these options:

Need to combine modules or want to use elements of program content as a key component of a workshop you are doing? There are two ways you can do this.

Option 1: You can request a compilation of materials from within or across modules printed and assembled as a ‘one off’ program. Each 3 hours of facilitation equates to one module fee per participant.

Example: A client needs a one day compilation/refresher of some key sales skills. Logistics and geography will not accommodate a paced learning program. You can ask TAC to pull exercises/concepts from across modules and assemble them into customized modules.

Option 2: Works for times when a client wants you to do a workshop, but the number of people, format, and budget are not conducive to selling modules per person. Rather than create or ‘borrow’ content, you can draw from TAC IP and pay a fee (typically 20%) to compensate the TAC for use of the content.

Example: You are doing a one day workshop on team building, and decide to use elements of an RCL module as a significant part of your workshop. The client agrees to pay you $2500 for the day; TAC will bill you 20% ($500). You don’t have to create content.
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Customized modules (combined program content):

1 - Customized Modules Selection
Content Required
2 - Partial Program - IP Selection
Revenue Billed to Client