Work Related Experience - Employer Feedback on Strength of Character
Level 1 & 2
Company Name*
Company Address*
Company Post Code*
First Name*
Name of Student*
Student Start Date*
Student End Date*
Location where Duties we carried out at*
Student Course*
Total Hours*
OWNERSHIP - Demonstrates that they have prepared for the work experience by arriving on time, ready to engage in a range of routine activities in a positive and friendly manner. They are aware of the required dress code and wear the correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE - if appropriate), having the right equipment in order to carry out their roles and responsibilities. *
1 Exceptional
2 Exceeding
3 Expected
4 Emerging
CURIOSITY - They are eager to learn new skills and show enthusiasm when given new challenges. They ask questions to clarify the activities allocated to them as appropriate.*
1 Exceptional
2 Exceeding
3 Expected
4 Emerging
RESPECTFUL - Demonstrates an ability to work safely in line with workplace health and safety rules. Courteous and polite when communicating with colleagues, customers and superiors. Demonstrates an ability to work with others and shows an appreciation of workplace diversity.*
1 Exceptional
2 Exceeding
3 Expected
4 Emerging
CONFIDENCE - Demonstrates an ability with work within the culture of the business and organisation. Demonstrates some ability to work in a proactive manner and can overcome difficult situations. Appropriate vocal tone and body posture evident when communicating with others. Represents self well.*
1 Exceptional
2 Exceeding
3 Expected
4 Emerging
SELF-CONTROL - Demonstrates an ability to work within a team and uses considered methods of communication with colleagues / peers. Adopts a degree of composure with task completion in the work place with due regard for personal health and safety and able to adhere to workplace rules (e.g. no use of mobile phone in the work place). *
1 Exceptional
2 Exceeding
3 Expected
4 Emerging
RESILIENCE - Demonstrates some perseverance and a sense of adaptation despite change and adversity in the workplace. Approaches tasks in a proactive manner and responds well to constructive feedback. *
1 Exceptional
2 Exceeding
3 Expected
4 Emerging
OPTIMISM - Demonstrates a positive approach to independent tasks and makes every effort to be successful; encouragement from others is received in an enthusiastic manner.*
1 Exceptional
2 Exceeding
3 Expected
4 Emerging
AMBITION - Has an appetite for learning new skills and acquiring additional knowledge; strives to achieve the best possible outcomes.*
1 Exceptional
2 Exceeding
3 Expected
4 Emerging