Risk Assessment: Exhibitors
Link person between now and the event
Name of link person between now and the event *
Email Address of link person between now and the event*
Phone number of link person between now and the event*
Risk Assessment: Exhibitors
Link person on the day of the event
Name of link person on the day of the event*
Phone number of link person on the day of the event (contactable by phone on the day)*
Any other phone numbers / contacts we may find useful
Risk Assessment: Exhibitors
Potentially Hazardous Items
Will you be using any beauty products e.g. massage / nail polish?*
Will you be displaying any sharp objects?*
Will you be bringing in food and drink for consumption?*
Will you be bringing anything containing liquid fuel?*
Will you be bringing along a heat source of any kind? e.g. naked flame/gel burners/cookery demos?*
Will you be bringing along pressurised gas?*
Will you be working any electrical equipment of any kind? - please ensure this is PAT tested*
Will you be working machinery of any kind?*
Please tell us about any other items which could be hazardous in certain contexts, and - where applicable, detail any of your answers from section 2 and explain how you will manage the risk, and what support you might need.
Hazardous items - risk management and support needed*
Will you require electricity for your stand? (We have a limited number of spaces with electricity so if you can manage without, please choose "no" (all electrical equipment must be PAT tested)
Will you require electricity for your stand?*
If you've chosen "Other" please give details here: